Saturday, January 9, 2010

One more "baby" step to toddler-hood

I am very lucky for 2 reasons (ok- so I am very luck for many reasons - but these are the two I am talking about today)

1- I have been lucky enough to stay home with Ethan most of the time - so I have been able to witness most of his major milestones. First smile, first word, first food, etc.etc.etc.
2- Those that I have misses have been witnessed by either Jason or my mom (AKA Tutu) - and knowing they were there are just as good!

It is also important to note - that since having Ethan - I have become one of "those" moms, I get a little teary-eyed when things happen that mean he is "growing up". Not that I want him to stay a baby - but I can't believe how fast he is growing.

When he was 8 days old - his umbilical cord fell off - while I was in the shower - I cried. The first time he rolled from his back to his tummy - I was at work - so my mom called to tell me - I cried. You get the picture.

***Upcoming potty talk - so if you don't want to hear about it - stop reading***

Well, for the past few months - we have been talking about the Potty Chair. We let him pick out a potty chair - a cool green one from Ikea. (We got one for Tutu's house also). Now, we have used it as a hat, TV chair and bucket. However, he has been starting to "get it" - he tells us he is poopy or wet. When we go to the "potty" he comes in and sits on his chair. We even had a couple of close calls - "MOMMY, poopy in the potty" But - by the time we got in there and got his diaper off - we missed our time.
My mom - apparently - has the skill.
Last night, we dropped Ethan off with Tutu and Popy while Jason and I went for a quick dinner. Near the end of dinner - I got a call from my mom's house (now any of you with kids know that a phone call from the sitter while you are out is usually not good) - and it was my little boy telling me that he went poopy on the potty at Tutu's!!! Everyone at the restaurtant also heard me tell him how proud I was of him for going poopy on the potty!! ( Apparenty, After dinner - she noticed the "look" - and asked him if he wanted to use the potty - and he did! )
Now, I don't expect this to mean diapers are leaving soon - but we are moving in the right direction!!

However, now I have to step up my game. In the 45 min. between that call and when we got home...Tutu had already made a snazzy "Potty Chart" for the bathroom, put stickers on it, gave Ethan a sticker (and a bath) and had celebratory M & M's!!

So...another step for Ethan away from my "baby" to my "little boy".

And no.....we did not take any pictures of the "event!"


  1. Yay!!!! Tell Tutu she's a fantastic grandma for helping Ethan with such a great milestone! E is getting soooooo big.... What a great little dude you have there!

  2. Way to go Ethan!...and Tutu. (:>)

    And and Jason are two of the best parents I have ever seen. When you came here to visit I was so impressed when I watched how you both were with Ethan.

    I know you have enjoyed these two wonderful years with your son. Everyday is an adventure!

    Love you,
    Auntie Linda
