Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Momma needs some earplugs........

I believe I have said before that my son is addicted to drumms.  Everything is a drum or a set of drumsticks.  He had gone through 2 sets of "kid" drums so far.  For a while - we improvised.  That would be a cookie tin, on top of his laundry basket - played with chopsticks....

However, this "band-aid" was only temporary.  He wanted real drums.  He went to the music store and played a real drum set.  He told us he wanted "real" drums.  So, after going back and forth about getting him a real snare drum - or something else.....Jason came home with the solution.  My 2-year old son is now the prould owner of his very own Remo Tunable Drum Pad - and a set of "real" drum sticks.

He loves them.  He playes them all the time.  First think in the morning - he asks to play the drums. He puts them in a special palce at night.  I am sure he would sleep with them if I would let him!

1, 2, 3, 4..........

So - in my next house - I will need to have a soundproof room, because I think these drums are here to stay!  Really, I am ok with that - he can do whatever he wants!  However, I may need to stock up on some advil and buy some good earplugs.  I know how thoes drummers are :)

Practicing his best rock star grin....

Running the "turn table" with Tutu.....

Outside of drumming, he also loves Mickey, playing outside and running around.  I swear the kid does not stop - I get tired just looking at him!  He is doing great - going through a little phase right now where he is pretty whiney if he does not get his way - but I think that goes hand in hand with being 2!  We are so lucky -he is such a great little boy and the light of our lives! 

In other news - today Jason and I are celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary.  I can't believe it has been 8 years - time sure flies!  We have had quite an adventure so far - and I am truely looking forward to whatever comes next! 


  1. He is so cute, your own little entertainer!

  2. What an adorable little drummer he is! You and Jason are such good parents Julie. I'm so proud of you.

    Again Happy 8 Years together...and many many more wonderful years ahead!

    Love you!
    Auntie Linda
